0x00 前言
《@ 开发者,这个 GitHub 项目可以褥羊毛》
GitHub 有一个区块链项目 Handshake 正在面向 GitHub 上前 25 万名开发者派送 4,246.99 HNS 币。大约价值 1358.56 美元,换算成人民币则是差不多近 1 万元人民币。
The top ~250,000 users on github have had their SSH keys and PGP added to a merkle tree. Out of those ~250,000 users, ~175,000 of them had valid SSH and PGP keys at the time of tree creation.
简单来说,它们在2019年2月4号做了一个快照,在这个时间节点,所有 Followers 数量大于15的用户的 SSH Key(大约17.5万人)都被记录在案。
If you had 15 or more followers on github during the week of 2019-02-04, your github SSH & PGP keys are included in the merkle tree.